Thursday, September 1, 2011


Some "inspired" sneeky peeks ...

Nothing like a clean up
to give you some motivation inspiration
and a decent  kick in the Fancy pants!!! LOL

The catalyst ...My lovely friend Rose Smith gave me her CRICUT!!!
She upgraded and wondering what to do with the older one...and she GAVE it to ME!!!!

**** on knees bowing repeatedly chanting "were not worthy were not worthy!!!" ****

So I decided to clear the decks make it some room.
I also decided I was going to concentrate on making my creative space more practical,
easier to use keep tidy ....bugger astetics.

Pretty and coordinated doesnt last long when you cant find what the flock youre looking for!!!

What I did,
was buy a dozen plastic containers and turn my space upside down dagnamit! 
For a chick who just wanted to move one thing in I spent a week
 discovering that 10 others would have to move too!!! 

 OMG I threw some stuff out ...
pick yourselves back up of the floor it wasnt alot ...LOL
well it was originaly before ...
shhhh ....
I went back through the garbage and resuced a few things!! LOL 

Its working fantastically better it!! It has also given me another idea
to move my paints down from where I have to go on tippy toes to reach them...

 to an arrangement like this...

The paper towel roll rod is already there I just have to find some cutlery drainers or even black plastic planters. The meat hook looking hanger thingys could be replaced by really big hinged album rings I buy from the Hunters newsagency or there are also  ones exactly like those in the picture they sell at Bunnings for hanging tools up off your rafters in your shed....
***thinking*** where can I move those glass jars too that I use a ruler to flick off the shelf
and then skillfully endevour to catch them before the knock me on my noggin....
no seriously ...thats how I get them down!!!! LOL

but for now I have washing to do
{Grrr... always in the laundry! }
 a "sick" kid to hunt back to bed and I thought I might try and get a bit of the three dolls
I am working on done...

this one is going on a holiday to SCRAPTIVATE
just as soon as she..... puts her arms and legs on!!!!
Oh and some clothes too I spose shes a bit risque!!!


Peg said...

I LOVE your make-over Marcy, so need to do mine, getting to the point where my scraproom is no longer my happy place (almost, but not quite)
Laughed out loud at you having to flick your jars down with a ruler, how on earth do you get them back up there?

Barb said...

Hmmm...and WHO was it that just told me not to TIDY UP MY CAVE????.....LOL

Looks like a good place to play!